Online Resources


General Resources


Calm Meditation App

I’m happy to provide a 30-day free trial for my patients (and prospective patients) - click here to get started.

(Remember to cancel before your free trial is complete if you don’t want to pay!)


Relaxation Downloads from Dartmouth

Dartmouth’s Wellness Center offers free downloadable audio files to guide you in deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, visualizations, etc.

Books for Children and Adolescents

Here is a list of books for a variety of mental health topics, including Autism, anxiety, Tourette’s, sensory issues, etc.!


Autism-Specific Resources

Autism Speaks

This website offers a number of beneficial resources, including Tool Kits, created by professionals and experts in the field of Autism, on a variety of topics. My favorite ones include: 100 Days (after a diagnosis), Challenging Behavior, Sleep Problems.

(Please note that my inclusion of Autism Speaks resources does not mean I fully agree with or endorse other aspects of their organization.)